Saturday, July 13, 2013

Energy Tomorrow's TV commercials pose a possible solution to what can be seen as a crisis with regards to America's Energy Future.  One commercial airing on networks this summer states that "New technologies are safely unlocking vast domestic supplies of oil and natural gas." The commercial shows an animation which indicates that accessing shale through fracking can solve an energy shortage and through new technologies, be safe for the environment. (

If you have seen the documentaries Gasland (2010) or Gasland II (2013) shows, what some considered to be the horror stories, both of human health and interest as well as environmental concern related to fracking practices and related governmental policies.  While working on the HBO documentary, Academy Award-nominated journalist and filmmaker Josh Fox was arrested at a Congressional Hearing on Natural Gas Fracking.  (

A brief overview of shale gas as a fuel can be viewed at Shale Gas - A Controversial fuel at

Is Shale Gas a possible solution to a America's energy crisis or is the process of fracking still to risky for both human health and the environment?

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